03 Oct Marketing Share: 5 Reasons You Should Use Gizzards In Your Next Meal
Looking to change things up in the kitchen, or to introduce something new to the menu? Whatever you’re looking for, gizzards can be that change. There are many reasons to love gizzards that you may not even be aware of.
Among other things, here are the top 5 reasons you should use gizzards in your next meal.
1) Protein
Gizzards are a great source of protein, and everyone needs their daily protein.
According to daily dietary intake values:
- The average sedentary man should consume 56 grams of protein
- The average sedentary woman should consume 46 grams of protein
A single one cup serving of chicken gizzards contains around 44 grams of protein.
Protein is essential in every person. They are responsible for creating your body’s muscles, tendons, organs, skin, enzymes, hormones, and more.
Eating protein has also been proven to help you lose weight by boosting the rate of your metabolism, and decreasing your appetite. By eating protein you will feel full for a longer period of time than eating food without protein, which will reduce your daily calorie intake. Reduced calorie intake is the easiest way to lose weight.
Protein is also crucial in the development and strengthening of muscles. Simply put, to gain muscle your body must synthesize more protein than it breaks down. So next time you lift weights or exercise, make sure you’re eating protein to support muscle growth.
2) Nutrients
On top of being high in protein, gizzards offer many other health benefits through the nutrients they offer.
Based on getting 100% of your daily value of vitamins and minerals, in 1 cup of chicken gizzards you can find many important vitamins and minerals such as:
- 1% Vitamin E
- 3% Thiamin
- 18% Riboflavin
- 23% Niacin
- 5% Vitamin B6
- 2% Folate
- 25% Vitamin B12
- 7% Pantothenic Acid
- 2% Calcium
- 26% Iron
- 1% Magnesium
- 27% Phosphorus
- 7% Potassium
- 3% Sodium
- 43% Zinc
- 12% Copper
- 5% Manganese
- 85% Selenium
3) Price
One of the biggest factors on most people’s minds when they decide on what to eat for the day is price. Money can be tough, but your nutrition shouldn’t have to suffer because of it.
Luckily, chicken gizzards are very inexpensive. A pound of chicken gizzards can generally be purchased at around $1.50. When it comes to saving money, chicken gizzards are a great healthy choice that won’t break the bank, and will give you the most bang for your buck.
4) Taste
There are rumors that gizzards shouldn’t be eaten, taste gross, or are bad for you. These are all blatantly false and are often based in ignorance. The majority of these negative opinions about gizzards come from people who have never even tasted them before.
We encourage you to try them for yourself, and establish your own opinion. We think you will love them.
5) Versatility
One of the greatest things about gizzards is the versatility of the product. There are so many different ways you can cook them.
If you are looking for healthier options you can grill, bake, or slow-cook them. If you are looking for a more traditional and crispy option, you can bread and deep fry them. This is likely how you will find gizzards prepared in restaurants. Pair them with your sides of choice, from vegetables to other fried goods, and you’ve got yourself a delicious meal.
With decades of experience, DeLong’s is the leading experts on the gizzard production process. We hope that our expertise and insight in the industry continues the advancement and celebration of poultry consumption in today’s society. For more information about chicken gizzards, or to find out how DeLong’s Gizzard Equipment can help you, request a free consultation today or give us a call call at (800) 422-9134.