13 Jun First Annual Turkey Day of Service
We have a lot to be thankful for when it comes to turkeys. They help us create delicious meals, celebrate traditions, and bring smiles to our faces. It’s time to give back to turkeys for all they give us. The National Turkey Federation is beginning a new turkey tradition. Join us in a celebration and appreciation of turkeys on the first annual Turkey Day of Service.
The National Turkey Federation
For over 75 years, the National Turkey Federation (NTF) has been representing turkey farmers and processors to Congress and federal agencies. They also track trends and identify challenges unfolding in the public, legislative, regulatory, and news media that could potentially impact the turkey industry. These dedicated turkey specialists do a lot for us to make sure that we can enjoy turkey any day we want. As a proud member of the National Turkey Federation, Delong’s is happy to support and celebrate the successes and programs that the NTF provides.
Turkey’s On Top
When it comes to meat, turkey trumps the competition. Not only is it delicious, but it also contains less fat and cholesterol than other meats like beef, pork, and chicken. On top of the nutritional value, turkey also has many health benefits.
It Strengthens the Immune System: Turkey is loaded with potassium, protein, and selenium. Selenium increases the ability for your immune system to ward off viruses and bacterial infections. When consumed regularly, these nutrients will result in a strengthened immune system.
Boosts Metabolism: Turkey contains compounds like potassium, niacin, zinc, and thiamin, which are known to increase your metabolic rate.
Weight Loss Choice: Turkey is a nutritionist recommended protein of choice for those looking to lose weight. Turkey meat has no fat content, and is highly nutritious including nutrients like riboflavin, thiamin, vitamins B and C, phosphorus, and more!
Good for Cardiovascular and Psychological Health: Turkey is a good choice for body because of its highly nutritious contents. If not cooked in oil, and in conjunction with physical exercise, it is a great addition to a heart healthy diet. Turkey also contains adequate levels of tryptophan, which is responsible for producing and boosting serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps balance your mood, meaning that turkey can help lower levels of depression, stress, and anxiety.
Protein Pick: Like other meats, turkey has a high protein content. Protein is essential to maintaining your skin, hair, nails, and oxygen flow to your organs.
Bolsters Bones and Toughens Teeth: By grilling or boiling turkey you can find a significant amount of phosphorus. This phosphorus strengthens your bones and teeth, and allows your body to produce protein.
These are just some of the many health benefits turkeys provide us. Nutritionists recommend you incorporate turkey into your regular diet to work towards and embrace a healthy body. With how much turkeys have to offer, they deserve a day of thanks and service.
Delong’s is proud to play such a vital role in the production, processing, and distributing of such a powerful and healthy component to many delicious dishes. We are also proud to be a member, and representative, of the National Turkey Federation.