10 Sep Employee Spotlight – Tom Nickles
Meet Tom Nickles, a valued member of the DeLong’s Gizzard Equipment family. Tom is a native and long time resident of Jones County, GA. He plays an integral role at DeLong’s as one of our sales. Learn more about Tom and how he fits into the success of DeLong’s.
How many years have you been at DeLong’s?
I’ve been at DeLong’s for 3 years.
What role model do you admire and why?
Ben Franklin. He was an advocate for individual liberty, a scientist and author.
What’s your favorite sports team?
Georgia Bulldogs
What’s your favorite snack?
Popcorn. I love popcorn.
Best piece of advice you have ever received?
Go with the flow.
What is the one thing you could never live without?
Books, especially history books.
What are three words that best describe you?
Scholastic, Dedicated and Loyal.
What all does your job role entail at DeLong’s?
I help facilitate sales. Specifically I demonstrate our products to current and potential customers and work really hard to help us acquire new customers.
What does your average day look like?
On a regular day I complete any sales orders that we have in our sales pipeline. I also talk with any customers who call in to us and call or make return calls to our customers. Some days I’m also out in the field visiting with our customers and checking up on them.
Share a favorite moment that’s happened while working at DeLong’s.
I love going to IPPE in Atlanta every year and meeting with our customers. It’s one of the highlights of my job.